
Get Rekt (Sk8) Zine (chef)
How Not to Die (Percy Jackson) Zine (chef)
Truffy (One Piece) zine (writer)
Naruto Cookbook (chef)
Kacchako’s Kitchen (BNHA) Zine (chef)
Crossroads (RTN) Zine (merch artist)
Heartland (multifandom) Zine (poet)
Akatsuki Horror (Naruto) Zine (writer)
90s Anime Sleepover (multifandom) Zine (chef)
Donut Panic! (Trigun) Zine (chef)
Sk8 Park Zine (merch artist)
Naruto Genderfuckery Zine (merch artist)
Amores: BKDK Cookbook (BNHA) Zine (chef)
Anakt Garden (Alien Stage) Zine (merch artist)
The End of a Cycle (JJK) Zine (merch artist)
MXTX Food Zine 2025 (chef & page artist)
Path of Life: a Kakashi Zine (Naruto) (co-head, shipping, socmed, finance)
Another Tomorrow: an ASL Zine (One Piece) (head)
Savouring the Journey: Sanji Cookbook Zine (One Piece) (co-head, socials, shipping, chef mod)
Chasing After: a DKBK Zine (BNHA) (shipping)
90s Anime Sleepover Zine (multifandom) (shipping)